Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Fingertec - How To Add New Departments and Sections in TCMSv2

  After the initial setup of your Fingertec software you may need to add additional field types to then use and select from elsewhere in your TCMSv2 software.

  System Settings Icon is the area that controls all your software settings. From here you will see the menu items to add more Departments and Sections.
 Department Definition

  Departments and Sections are used to group your employees, Departments are the Parent Group and Sections are a secondary group under Departments. A typical scenario might see Departments such as Administration, Warehouse, Management, Labour Hire etc. You might also use the Section option to create Sections such as Full-time, Part-time, Casual etc. This can then enable you to select to view or report on staff such as Warehouse/Full-time and Warehouse-Casual in different reports. To add a new Department or Section, click on the relevant menu item under System Configuration, click once on the first field in your new window, then press the down arrow on your keyboard to unlock the new field to type your new Department or Section in. You can create an unlimited number of Departments and Sections.


  Once you've created your new Departments and Sections you can then close System Configuration and click on your Employees icon. Your new Departments and Sections will be available for you to select from drop-down boxes for each employee. You can change an employees Department or Section at any time.
Employee Department Selection

Monday, 3 December 2012

uAttend: Batch Printing & Emailing Employee Time Sheets

A recent update to uAttend software saw the introduction of Batch Printing or Emailing of employee time sheets.

Previously, if you needed to print your employee time sheets you had to individually view each time sheet, print, select next employee time sheet, print etc... This process was extremely time consuming if you had a number of employees.

The new Batch Printing and Emailing feature is available by clicking on 'Timecards' then click on the green link 'View Batches'. This takes you to a new menu.'View Batches Check Boxes' From this menu you can select entire departments with a single click and un-check employees or departments you don't want to report on. Once you have selected the 'batch' you'd like to report on you can click on the 'Print Batch' link in the bottom right, this will create a single PDF file containing all your timesheets that you can then save and print. With your 'batch' still selected you can also choose to email the selected time sheet reports to anyone you choose, simply type their email address in the field shown and then click on . This will then save your selected timesheets as a single PDF file, attach it to an email and send it to the address you've chosen.

The new Batch Printing and Emailing of employee time sheets will streamline the reporting process of your employee time sheets using the uAttend employee management system.http://www.aussietimeclocks.com.au/page/uattend-time-clock-free-software-trial